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We will be in touch shortly with the candidate to ask them to make a full application. Our recruiting team will get in touch with you when we have an update.\n\nIn the meantime, you can check the status of your referral at any time by visiting the \u2018My referrals\u2019 page on the GROW platform.", "customContent": {"positionSections": [{"body": "<div class=\"container-fluid\" style=\"max-width:970px;\"><div class=\"col-sm-6\"><img src=\"https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vodafone/1694504114::Experiment&Learn\" alt=\"La persona se sienta en el piso con una computadora port\u00e1til abierta\" style=\"width: 100%;max-width: 100%;border-style: solid;border-width: 0px 4px 0px 0px;border-color: #E60000;\"></div><div class=\"col-sm-6\"><h3 style=\"color: #333333;nfont-family: 'vodafone-regular', Sans-serif !important;font-size: 30px !important;font-weight: 800;text-transform: none;line-height: 42.29px;\">\u00a1\u00danete a nuestra comunidad de talento!</h3><p>\u00danete a nuestra comunidad de talento y mantente al d\u00eda sobre el trabajo que desarrolla nuestro equipo en Vodafone. Convertirte en parte de nuestra comunidad te brindar\u00e1 acceso exclusivo a nuestro bolet\u00edn trimestral. Desde aqu\u00ed, obtendr\u00e1s las \u00faltimas noticias acerca de Vodafone, invitaciones prioritarias a nuestros eventos y ser\u00e1s la primera persona en enterarte de las pr\u00f3ximas oportunidades laborales. \u00a1Reg\u00edstrate a continuaci\u00f3n para unirte a nuestra comunidad! <br><br><a href=\"https://jobs.vodafone.com/careers/join?hl=es\" target=\"_blank\"style=\"color: #e60000 !important;\">\u00a1\u00danete a nuestra comunidad! <i class=\"fas fa-chevron-circle-right fa-fw\"></i></a></p></div></div>"}]}, "advancedSearchOptions": [{"name": "Skills", "key": "skills", "visible": true}, {"name": "Seniority", "key": "seniority", "visible": true}, {"name": "Country", "key": "country", "visible": true}, {"name": "Department", "key": "departments", "visible": true}], "uploadResumeModal": {"title": "Podemos hacer cosas incre\u00edbles juntos.", "subtitle": "Cuando combinamos la tecnolog\u00eda con las personas, podemos conseguir cualquier cosa juntos. Encuentra c\u00f3mo es trabajar en Vodafone.", "disclaimer": "Subir tu CV no significa aplicar formalmente. Significa encontrar puestos para los que desees aplicar. Nos encanta encontrar el puesto que mejor se adapte a ti, as\u00ed que toma unos segundos para subir tu CV. Vodafone est\u00e1 comprometido con la atracci\u00f3n, el desarrollo y la retenci\u00f3n del mejor talento, ofreciendo un motivador e inclusivo espacio de trabajo, donde a todas las personas se les reconoce. Estamos comprometidos con promover la inclusi\u00f3n para todos, con la creencia de que la diversidad juega un papel importante en el \u00e9xito de nuestra empresa. Animamos activamente a cada una de las personas a formar parte de nuestro desarrollo.", "hideSkip": null, "hideCrossButton": null}, "privacyLink": "https://careers.vodafone.com/privacy-policy/", "enableTalentNetwork": 1, "resumeOptional": false, "hideJobCart": true, "showUploadResumeModal": 0, "privacy": {"button": "Aplicar", "title": "Acuerdo de privacidad de datos", "text": "Confirma que est\u00e1s de acuerdo con la <a href='https://www.vodafone.es/c/conocenos/es/vodafone-espana/quienes-somos/legal-y-regulatorio/politica-de-privacidad-y-cookies/'>Pol\u00edtica de privacidad de datos</a>"}, "i18n_overrides_master": {"uploadResumeModal": {"en": {"title": "We can do amazing things together", "subtitle": "When we combine technology with the human spirit, we can achieve anything together! Find out what working at Vodafone is all about.", "disclaimer": "Uploading your CV isn\u2019t a formal application; it\u2019s a means of matching you to great roles that you might wish to apply for. We\u2019d love to match you, so take a few seconds to drag and drop. Vodafone is committed to attracting, developing and retaining the very best people by offering a motivating and inclusive workplace in which talent is truly recognised and rewarded. We are committed to promoting Inclusion for All with the belief that diversity plays an important role in the success of our business. We actively encourage everyone to consider becoming a part of our journey"}, "de": {"title": "Technologie und wir - zusammen k\u00f6nnen wir alles erreichen.", "subtitle": "Technologie von und f\u00fcr Menschen \u2013 damit geht alles. Als Teil von Vodafone unterst\u00fctzen wir Dich bei einer Karriere, die sich auszahlt. In jeder Hinsicht. Sie beginnt mit Dir. Sie beginnt jetzt.", "disclaimer": "Indem Du Deinen Lebenslauf hochl\u00e4dst, bewirbst Du Doch noch nicht direkt auf eine bestimmte Stelle. Stattdessen schlagen wir Dir Jobs vor, die anhand Deiner Qualifikation zu Dir passen k\u00f6nnten. Du entscheidest selbst, auf welche Du Dich dann bewerben m\u00f6chtest. Nimm Dir gerne ein paar Sekunden, um Deinen Lebenslauf einzuf\u00fcgen. Den Rest erledigen wir", "Data Privacy Agreement": "Einwilligungserkl\u00e4rung f\u00fcr die gezielte Anzeige von Stellen"}, "es": {"title": "Podemos hacer cosas incre\u00edbles juntos.", "subtitle": "Cuando combinamos la tecnolog\u00eda con las personas, podemos conseguir cualquier cosa juntos. Encuentra c\u00f3mo es trabajar en Vodafone.", "disclaimer": "Uploading your CV isn\u2019t a formal application; it\u2019s a means of matching you to great roles that you might wish to apply for. We\u2019d love to match you, so take a few seconds to drag and drop. Vodafone is committed to attracting, developing and retaining the very best people by offering a motivating and inclusive workplace in which talent is truly recognised and rewarded. We are committed to promoting Inclusion for All with the belief that diversity plays an important role in the success of our business. We actively encourage everyone to consider becoming a part of our journey"}}, "privacy": {"en": {"privacy_button": "Submit", "privacy_header": "Data Privacy Agreement", "privacy_text": "Please confirm you agree to the <a href='https://careers.vodafone.com/privacy-policy/'>Data Privacy Policy</a>"}, "de": {"privacy_button": "Absenden", "privacy_header": "Einwilligungserkl\u00e4rung f\u00fcr die gezielte Anzeige von Stellen", "privacy_text": "Vodafone GmbH, Vodafone Deutschland GmbH, Vodafone Customer Care GmbH, Vodafone West GmbH, Vodafone Service GmbH, TKS Telepost Kabel-Service Kaiserslautern GmbH, Urbana Teleunion Rostock GmbH & Co. KG und Vodafone Group Services GmbH (zusammen \u201eVodafone\u201c) betreiben zusammen diese Recruiting-Plattform. Auf dieser finden Sie verschiedene Stellenanzeigen. Wenn Sie sich nicht durch die einzelnen Stellenanzeigen klicken m\u00f6chten, bieten wir Ihnen an, Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen hochzuladen. Unsere Recruiting-Plattform scannt diese dann nach Schlagworten, um Ihnen auf dieser Basis die f\u00fcr Sie geeignetsten Stellen bei Vodafone anzuzeigen. Diesen Service k\u00f6nnen Sie kostenlos nutzen. Sie k\u00f6nnen sich selbstverst\u00e4ndlich auch ohne Nutzung des Service bei einer Vodafone Gesellschaft bewerben. Verarbeitet werden hierbei die personenbezogenen Daten, die in Ihren Bewerbungsunterlagen enthalten sind, also Vor- und Nachname, Geburtsdatum, Adresse, Qualifikationsnachweise und weitere Angaben. Die Daten werden bei uns nach Anzeige der f\u00fcr Sie passenden Stellen unverz\u00fcglich wieder gel\u00f6scht. Sollten Sie sich bei uns bewerben, werden diese gesondert bei der Vodafone Gesellschaft verarbeitet, bei der Sie sich beworben haben.<br>Ich willige in die oben beschriebene Datenverarbeitung ein. Ich wei\u00df, dass meine Einwilligung freiwillig ist und ich diese verweigern oder jederzeit ohne Angabe von Gr\u00fcnden mit Wirkung f\u00fcr die Zukunft widerrufen kann. Meine Einwilligung kann ich \u00fcber den Abbrechen-Button widerrufen, solange die Software die Bewerbungsunterlagen noch scannt, oder per E-Mail an <a style='color : blue !important' href='mailto:career.de@vodafone.com.'>career.de@vodafone.com.</a> Danach erfolgt die L\u00f6schung meiner Daten automatisch. Weitere Informationen finde ich in den <a style='color : blue !important' href='https://careers.vodafone.com/privacy-policy/' target='_blank'>Datenschutzhinweisen.</a></br>"}, "es": {"privacy_button": "Aplicar", "privacy_header": "Acuerdo de privacidad de datos", "privacy_text": "Confirma que est\u00e1s de acuerdo con la <a href='https://www.vodafone.es/c/conocenos/es/vodafone-espana/quienes-somos/legal-y-regulatorio/politica-de-privacidad-y-cookies/'>Pol\u00edtica de privacidad de datos</a>"}}, "custom_html": {"en": {"html_header": "<style>.navbar {display: none !important;}.hero-image {opacity: 1 !important;}/* header */.headerVF { background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1); position: relative; width: 100%; z-index: 3; max-width: 1401px; margin: auto;}.headerVF ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; overflow: hidden; background-color: #fff; float: right; text-align: right !important;}.headerVF li a { display: block; padding-right: 18px; padding-top: 40px; 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Join us."}, "es": {"message": "Together we can.", "title": "Si nos conectamos, podemos crear un futuro mejor. \u00danete a nosotros."}, "de": {"message": "Together we can.", "title": "Wenn wir uns verbinden k\u00f6nnen, k\u00f6nnen wir eine bessere Zukunft schaffen. Mach mit."}}, "customContent": {"en": {"body_content": "<div class=\"container-fluid\" style=\"max-width:970px;\">\n<div class=\"col-sm-6\"><img src=\"https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vodafone/1694504114::Experiment&Learn\" alt=\"Person sits on floor with open laptop\" style=\"width: 100%;max-width: 100%;border-style: solid;border-width: 0px 4px 0px 0px;border-color: #E60000;\"></div>\n<div class=\"col-sm-6\"><h2 style=\"color: #333333;\nfont-family: 'vodafone-regular', Sans-serif !important;font-size: 28px !important;font-weight: 800;text-transform: none;line-height: 42.29px;\">Join our talent community!</h2><p>Join our talent community and keep up to speed on the game-changing work our people are doing at Vodafone. Becoming a part of our community gives you exclusive access to our quarterly newsletter. From this, you can expect the latest Vodafone news and priority invitations to our events, and to be the first to know about upcoming job opportunities. 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Convertirte en parte de nuestra comunidad te brindar\u00e1 acceso exclusivo a nuestro bolet\u00edn trimestral. Desde aqu\u00ed, obtendr\u00e1s las \u00faltimas noticias acerca de Vodafone, invitaciones prioritarias a nuestros eventos y ser\u00e1s la primera persona en enterarte de las pr\u00f3ximas oportunidades laborales. \u00a1Reg\u00edstrate a continuaci\u00f3n para unirte a nuestra comunidad! <br><br><a href=\"https://jobs.vodafone.com/careers/join?hl=es\" target=\"_blank\"style=\"color: #e60000 !important;\">\u00a1\u00danete a nuestra comunidad! <i class=\"fas fa-chevron-circle-right fa-fw\"></i></a></p></div></div>"}, "de": {"body_content": "<div class=\"container-fluid\" style=\"max-width:970px;\">\n<div class=\"col-sm-6\"><img src=\"https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vodafone/1694504114::Experiment&Learn\" alt=\"Person sitzt mit offenem Laptop auf dem Boden\" style=\"width: 100%;max-width: 100%;border-style: solid;border-width: 0px 4px 0px 0px;border-color: #E60000;\"></div>\n<div class=\"col-sm-6\"><h3 style=\"color: #333333;\nfont-family: 'vodafone-regular', Sans-serif !important;font-size: 36px !important;font-weight: 800;text-transform: none;line-height: 42.29px;\">Werd Teil unseres Talent-Netzwerks</h3><p>Du findest gerade nicht Deinen Traumjob \u2013 oder Deine Wunsch-Stelle ist nicht aktiv? Dann bleib mit uns in Kontakt und gib uns die M\u00f6glichkeit, Dich bei geeigneten Stellen zu kontaktieren. Wie? Meld Dich ganz einfach hier mit Deinem Lebenslauf an.<br><br><a href=\"https://jobs.vodafone.com/careers/join?hl=de\" target=\"_blank\"style=\"color: #e60000 !important;\">Jetzt registrieren <i class=\"fas fa-chevron-circle-right fa-fw\"></i></a></p></div></div>"}}}, "homePageHeroBanner": {"opacity": null, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/vodafone-sandbox/Hero-Image-Vodafone", "title": "Si nos conectamos, podemos crear un futuro mejor. \u00danete a nosotros."}, "companyName": "Vodafone", "navBar": {"color": "#ffffff", "image": "", "link": "", "background": "", "title": "Vodafone"}, "postApplyText": "Thank you for applying to Vodafone!\nYour application has been received. If your qualifications match our needs for the role, our Recruiting Team will contact you shortly with updates on next steps. \nIn the meantime, keep up-to-date with the latest and greatest at www.vodafone.com/news.", "favicons": {"favicon": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/eightfolddemo-vodafone2/favicon"}, "custom_html": {"header": "<style>.navbar {display: none !important;}.hero-image {opacity: 1 !important;}/* header */.headerVF { background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1); position: relative; width: 100%; z-index: 3; max-width: 1401px; margin: auto;}.headerVF ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; overflow: hidden; background-color: #fff; float: right; text-align: right !important;}.headerVF li a { display: block; padding-right: 18px; padding-top: 40px; border-right: 1px solid #ffffff; text-decoration: none; font-size: 18px !important; font-weight: 400; line-height: 32px; color: #e60000 !important;}.headerVF li a:hover,.headerVF .menu-btn:hover { background-color: #ffffff; 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Vodafone Group is launching its new technological HUB (MSH), an international center of excellence dedicated to research and development of technical solutions, such as Secure Networks, 5G and 6G development, Open RAN, IoT, MPN & MEC and UCC for Vodafone Business, platforms and enterprise solutions. Come and join us to create the future together! We are looking for a Specialist Software Developer Lead, to be the main point of contact for one of the squad working an agent desktop project. The role involves designing and delivering high-quality software applications, ensuring alignment with best practices, customer needs. Responsibilities include technical team mentoring, quality assurance, reporting progress, risk assessment, and recommending solutions, together with effective communicator and team player and dedicated to fostering innovation and continuous improvement. What you bring? Development Frameworks & Principles: OOP, SOLID, design patterns, microservices, SOA, clean code. Databases & Performance: Relational/NoSQL databases, Redis, MongoDB, Kafka, Elasticsearch, caching, performance tuning. Spring Ecosystem: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, AOP, Spring Data. Tools & Platforms: Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Jenkins, Git. Programming Paradigms: Functional and reactive programming, threading, streaming, cryptography. Testing: Unit testing, BDD, TDD, integration testing. System & Application Support: Linux, shell scripting, troubleshooting with Splunk. Strong communication skills. Proficiency in English. Please, apply with an English version of your CV. Why Vodafone? At Vodafone, we are dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We take pride in our commitment to providing equal opportunities to individuals of all backgrounds and abilities. We firmly believe that diversity includes a spectrum of experiences, and we welcome and support individuals with functional diversity. Our mission is to create an accessible workplace where all team members can thrive, regardless of their unique abilities or challenges. We are committed to making reasonable accommodations to ensure that everyone can fully participate and excel in our organization. We value the unique perspectives and talents that individuals with functional diversity bring to our team and consider them an integral part of our success and innovation. We recognize and celebrate the importance of diversity and inclusivity in our workplace so that we are as diverse as the customers and communities we serve. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination especially related to but not limited to race, colour, age, veteran status, gender identification, sexual orientation, pregnancy, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, trade union membership, nationality, indigenous status, medical condition, HIV status, social origin, cultural background, social or marital status. Not a perfect fit? Worried that you don't meet all the desired criteria exactly? At Vodafone we are passionate about Inclusion for All and creating a workplace where everyone can thrive, whatever their personal or professional background. If you're excited about this role but your experience doesn't align exactly with every part of the job description, we encourage you to apply as you may be the right candidate for this role or another role, and our recruitment team can help you see how your skills fit in. Benefits We offer hybrid 2 days in the M\u00e1laga office or 100% remote work for the rest of Spain. Competitive salary. Intensive Summer Schedule. Intensive schedule every Friday. Health Insurance. Life insurance. 25 days holiday + December 24th and 31st. Restaurant tickets. Online training. LiRemote REF: 252599", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.vodafone.com/careers/job/563018682881423", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 563018682880899, "name": "Specialist Softw. Developer", "location": "Malaga, Spain", "locations": ["Malaga, Spain"], "hot": 0, "department": "Application Development", "business_unit": "Shared Services", "t_update": 1733227550, "t_create": 1732110686, "ats_job_id": "252586", "display_job_id": "252586", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "252586-es", "job_description": "Hiring Manager role: Wala Hmady Mohamed Assy According to the current TA Global Policy, you need to have at least 2 years performing your current role. Do not forget to inform your current manager about your application for this vacancy. Location: M\u00e1laga, Spain Band & Grade: H10 . Would you like to be part of our new adventure? Vodafone Group is launching its new technological HUB (MSH), an international center of excellence dedicated to research and development of technical solutions, such as Secure Networks, 5G and 6G development, Open RAN, IoT, MPN & MEC and UCC for Vodafone Business, platforms and enterprise solutions. Come and join us to create the future together! Responsible for developing software applications and products For the role of a Specialist Software Developer we are looking for candidates a with a broad range of skills: Bachelor Degree in computer science and/or engineering or equivalent Fast learning curve with minimal coaching and guidelines. Can work in a team or independent. Steadiness under pressure. Good communication skills. 1-2 years working experience Object Oriented Programming, Design patterns (Basic GoF), SOLID principals,Unit testing, Relational Database Basic concepts, No SQL Database, Mongo DB, Spring boot, AOP - Aspect Oriented Programming, Spring data, Maven, Git and branching strategies, Application servers, Jenkins as a concept Please, apply with an English version of your CV. Why Vodafone? At Vodafone, we are dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We take pride in our commitment to providing equal opportunities to individuals of all backgrounds and abilities. We firmly believe that diversity includes a spectrum of experiences, and we welcome and support individuals with functional diversity. Our mission is to create an accessible workplace where all team members can thrive, regardless of their unique abilities or challenges. We are committed to making reasonable accommodations to ensure that everyone can fully participate and excel in our organization. We value the unique perspectives and talents that individuals with functional diversity bring to our team and consider them an integral part of our success and innovation. We recognize and celebrate the importance of diversity and inclusivity in our workplace so that we are as diverse as the customers and communities we serve. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination especially related to but not limited to race, colour, age, veteran status, gender identification, sexual orientation, pregnancy, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, trade union membership, nationality, indigenous status, medical condition, HIV status, social origin, cultural background, social or marital status. Worried that you don't meet all the desired criteria exactly? At Vodafone we are passionate about Inclusion for All and creating a workplace where everyone can thrive, whatever their personal or professional background. So, if you're excited about this role but your experience doesn't align exactly with every part of the job advert, we encourage you to apply as you may be just the right candidate for this role or another role, and our recruitment team can help see how your skills fit in. Benefits: We offer hybrid (2 days in the office) or 100% remote work. Competitive salary. Intensive Summer Schedule. Intensive schedule every Friday. Health Insurance. Life insurance. 25 days holiday + December 24th and 31st. Restaurant tickets. Online training. 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Expertise in Angular (latest versions) and building scalable, maintainable front-end applications. Hands-on experience with state management using NgRx. Deep understanding of Angular templates, including concepts like ng-content, ng-template, and ng-container. Familiarity with modern testing frameworks and tools, such as Jasmine, Karma, Cypress, and StoryBook. Competency in Java and Spring Boot for backend development. Understanding of API development, containerization with Docker, and working in microservices architecture. Experience with cloud platforms, with AWS being a strong advantage.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.vodafone.com/careers/job/563018682880895", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 563018682880436, "name": "Ejecutivo de Grandes Cuentas Alicante y Murcia", "location": "Alcantarilla, Spain", "locations": ["Alcantarilla, Spain"], "hot": 0, "department": "D.Mixto Levante Sur", "business_unit": "Vodafone Business", "t_update": 1732807272, "t_create": 1732105023, "ats_job_id": "252578", "display_job_id": "252578", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "252578-es_ES", "job_description": "", "locale": "es_ES", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.vodafone.com/careers/job/563018682880436", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 563018682879573, "name": "Cybersecurity Project Manager", "location": "Madrid, Spain", "locations": ["Madrid, Spain", "M\u00e1laga, Spain"], "hot": 0, "department": "U.Secure Access Solutions", "business_unit": "Technology", "t_update": 1732184765, "t_create": 1732101807, "ats_job_id": "252575", "display_job_id": "252575", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "252575-es", "job_description": "Would you like to be part of our new adventure? Vodafone Group is launching its new technological HUB (MSH), an international center of excellence dedicated to research and development of technical solutions, such as Secure Networks, 5G and 6G development, Open RAN, IoT, MPN & MEC and UCC for Vodafone Business, platforms and enterprise solutions. Come and join us to create the future together! The Cybersecurity Project Manager will be Managing the entire lifecycle of systems in scope including coordination of design, development, testing, acceptance and implementation of SW and HW for those systems and effective Release and Capacity Management. Efficient control and steer of internal and external suppliers, alignment of vendor's product roadmap with Vodafone's businesses & domain strategy. Identifies technical synergy potentials and derivation of recommendations for actions. Independent and responsible execution of projects and relevant contribution to cross domain projects and programmes with multi-discipline and multinational character Translates business demand into technical requirements and identification of the affected areas. Checks feasibility of demands with related to business needs. Not a perfect fit? Worried that you don't meet all the desired criteria exactly? At Vodafone we are passionate about Inclusion for All and creating a workplace where everyone can thrive, whatever their personal or professional background. If you're excited about this role but your experience doesn't align exactly with every part of the job description, we encourage you to apply as you may be the right candidate for this role or another role, and our recruitment team can help you see how your skills fit in. What's in it for you We want you to feel happy and fulfilled at work, without compromising the other things in life that matter to you. There are lots of ways we support this, including hybrid working and generous parental leave. You'll also get four Spirit Days a year to focus on your personal development and wellbeing, plus a host of other great benefits too. Who we are You may have already heard of Vodafone - We're a leading Telecommunications company in Europe and Africa. But what you might not know is that we are continuously investing in new technologies to improve the lives of millions of customers, businesses and people around the world, creating a better future for everyone. As part of our global family, whether that's Vodafone, Vodacom or _VOIS, you'll feel a sense of pride and purpose as you contribute to our culture of innovation. We pursue equality of opportunity and inclusion for all candidates through our employment policies and practices. We recognise and celebrate the importance of diversity and inclusivity in our workspace and we do not tolerate any form of discrimination especially related to but not limited to race, colour, age, veteran status, gender identification, sexual orientation, pregnancy, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, trade union membership, nationality, indigenous status, medical condition, HIV status, social origin, cultural background, social, or marital status. Together we can.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.vodafone.com/careers/job/563018682879573", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 563018682729455, "name": "Specialist Data Scientist", "location": "Madrid, Spain", "locations": ["Madrid, Spain"], "hot": 0, "department": "S.Big Data Models", "business_unit": "Consumer", "t_update": 1733308574, "t_create": 1731063440, "ats_job_id": "251874", "display_job_id": "251874", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "251874-es_ES", "job_description": "", "locale": "es_ES", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.vodafone.com/careers/job/563018682729455", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 563018682715489, "name": "Private 5g Network Technical Lead", "location": "Malaga, Spain", "locations": ["Malaga, Spain"], "hot": 0, "department": "S.MPM SLS OPERATIONS", "business_unit": "Technology", "t_update": 1733240629, "t_create": 1730999564, "ats_job_id": "251857", "display_job_id": "251857", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "251857-es", "job_description": ". Would you like to be part of our new adventure? Vodafone Group is launching its new technological HUB (MSH), an international center of excellence dedicated to research and development of technical solutions, such as Secure Networks, 5G and 6G development, Open RAN, IoT, MPN & MEC and UCC for Vodafone Business, platforms and enterprise solutions. Come and join us to create the future together! At Vodafone Business, we are looking for a Private 5G Network Technical Lead to spearhead the team responsible for the delivery and operation of our Mobile Private Network (MPN) solutions for enterprise customers. In this strategic role, you will be a key liaison between engineering, product development, and international markets, ensuring our solutions for connectivity, edge computing, and managed services are implemented in a scalable and efficient way. We are seeking a candidate with strong experience in mobile network operations, ideally in Core and Radio, with proven skills in managing teams and leading complex projects across global environments. As the leader of the operations team, you will oversee technical provisioning, service delivery, and continuous improvement, adopting a \"Sale-Build-Run\" approach to cover the entire product lifecycle. We value expertise in incident resolution and customer support, alongside knowledge of cloud environments. This role offers a unique opportunity to be part of the One VBTS team, driving digital transformation within Vodafone Business and bringing our Private 5G solutions to new international markets. What you bring: Engineering Degree. Knowledge of telecom technologies. Multiple year experience in technology solution introduction in a high intensity environment. Experience leading multi-disciplinary teams. Strategical view. Leadership and coaching skills. Cross-Functional collaboration, team worker. Goal setting and goal-directed. Advanced level of English. . Please, apply with an English version of your CV. Why Vodafone? At Vodafone, we are dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We take pride in our commitment to providing equal opportunities to individuals of all backgrounds and abilities. We firmly believe that diversity includes a spectrum of experiences, and we welcome and support individuals with functional diversity. Our mission is to create an accessible workplace where all team members can thrive, regardless of their unique abilities or challenges. We are committed to making reasonable accommodations to ensure that everyone can fully participate and excel in our organization. We value the unique perspectives and talents that individuals with functional diversity bring to our team and consider them an integral part of our success and innovation. We recognize and celebrate the importance of diversity and inclusivity in our workplace so that we are as diverse as the customers and communities we serve. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination especially related to but not limited to race, colour, age, veteran status, gender identification, sexual orientation, pregnancy, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, trade union membership, nationality, indigenous status, medical condition, HIV status, social origin, cultural background, social or marital status. Worried that you don't meet all the desired criteria exactly? At Vodafone we are passionate about Inclusion for All and creating a workplace where everyone can thrive, whatever their personal or professional background. So, if you're excited about this role but your experience doesn't align exactly with every part of the job advert, we encourage you to apply as you may be just the right candidate for this role or another role, and our recruitment team can help see how your skills fit in. Benefits: We offer hybrid (2 days in the office). Competitive salary. Intensive Summer Schedule. Intensive schedule every Friday. Health Insurance. Life insurance. 25 days holiday + December 24th and 31st. Restaurant tickets. Online training. LiHybrid REF: 251857", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.vodafone.com/careers/job/563018682715489", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 563018682589237, "name": "Lead Commercial transformation Manager", "location": "Malaga, Spain", "locations": ["Malaga, Spain"], "hot": 0, "department": "Business Relationship Management", "business_unit": "Shared Services", "t_update": 1732796667, "t_create": 1730134221, "ats_job_id": "251310", "display_job_id": "251310", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "251310-es", "job_description": ". Would you like to be part of our new adventure? Vodafone Group is launching its new technological HUB (MSH), an international center of excellence dedicated to research and development of technical solutions, such as Secure Networks, 5G and 6G development, Open RAN, IoT, MPN & MEC and UCC for Vodafone Business, platforms and enterprise solutions. Come and join us to create the future together! As a Lead Commercial Transformation Manager, you will be responsible for building and maintaining strategic relationships with high-level stakeholders both within Technology_VOIS and on the customer side, ensuring alignment between local and group IT strategies and Technology_VOIS capabilities. You will be the key figure in driving growth opportunities, managing service demand, and overseeing a high-value account portfolio, aiming to achieve 50% growth and cost optimization. A solid understanding of bid and Request for Proposal (RFP) processes is essential to effectively manage the lifecycle of commercial opportunities. Your main responsibilities include managing and motivating a team of service delivery managers and technology business relationship managers, developing Technology_VOIS services in markets and group entities, and handling strategic senior stakeholder relationships across the account portfolio. You will be financially responsible for the portfolio, approving business cases and managing the customer recharge process. Additionally, you will represent Technology_VOIS in all key governance meetings with Vodafone's markets and group entities, interacting directly with senior leadership up to the CIO/CTO level. What you bring: People Management experience. Broad and strong IT knowledge. Technology account management /consultancy experience. IT service Management (ITIL). Ability to establish and maintain trust. Commercial/Financial governance experience . Advanced English level . Please, apply with an English version of your CV. Why Vodafone? At Vodafone, we are dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. We take pride in our commitment to providing equal opportunities to individuals of all backgrounds and abilities. We firmly believe that diversity includes a spectrum of experiences, and we welcome and support individuals with functional diversity. Our mission is to create an accessible workplace where all team members can thrive, regardless of their unique abilities or challenges. We are committed to making reasonable accommodations to ensure that everyone can fully participate and excel in our organization. We value the unique perspectives and talents that individuals with functional diversity bring to our team and consider them an integral part of our success and innovation. We recognize and celebrate the importance of diversity and inclusivity in our workplace so that we are as diverse as the customers and communities we serve. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination especially related to but not limited to race, colour, age, veteran status, gender identification, sexual orientation, pregnancy, ethnicity, disability, religion, political affiliation, trade union membership, nationality, indigenous status, medical condition, HIV status, social origin, cultural background, social or marital status. Worried that you don't meet all the desired criteria exactly? At Vodafone we are passionate about Inclusion for All and creating a workplace where everyone can thrive, whatever their personal or professional background. So, if you're excited about this role but your experience doesn't align exactly with every part of the job advert, we encourage you to apply as you may be just the right candidate for this role or another role, and our recruitment team can help see how your skills fit in. Benefits: We offer hybrid (2 days in the office) Competitive salary. Intensive Summer Schedule. Intensive schedule every Friday. Health Insurance. Life insurance. 25 days holiday + December 24th and 31st. Restaurant tickets. Online training. 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